
Taurus Taurus

 May 8 ~ May 22  Once your favorite seeds are planted, a gentle rain will allow the garden within your Soul to germinate and grow. Something magical occurs as soon as the sun comes out and encourages those petals to open and bloom. You can literally witness and feel the colors coming to life. No matter where you live in the world, this can be your own experience of spring. Your ruler Venus is in your sign where it loves to be and where it feels to give the most for your efforts, large and small. We are just on the heels of a New Moon in Taurus that has opened the door to something fertile and new for you. Saturn was standing by with significant support in Pisces and it was giving you a feeling of hope for what may come. You may also be feeling the inevitability of change, but a quiet sense of security comes with it. The best example of this would be letting go of your fear of the unknown and trusting in an invisible hand that has your best interests at heart. Venus will gradually make her way to forming an effortless link to Saturn in Pisces as well on Monday, May 13, with the sole purpose to shine her light on any subject, which can feel like your heart experiencing a crossing from this land into another dimension. Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday, May 15, giving you keen skill in your communications. You will also have an added ability to deal with the details in such a way that has your efforts receiving double the investment in return. It would be analogous to finding just the right title of your new book or project and it has the words literally leaping off the page and landing on the radar of someone influential. Mercury squares Pluto on Friday, May 17, inviting an unwanted edge of contention but by the following day, a quadruple conjunction involving Uranus, your ruler Venus, the Sun and Jupiter, Saturday could have life kicking fast into high gear all of a sudden, with doors opening right and left from Saturday, May 18 through Thursday, May 23. New beginnings ahead.

Let your imagination run wild!



May 7: NEW MOON in TAURUS ~ Intention-setting and wish-making day, sets the stage for the next two weeks.
May 13: Saturn in Pisces sextiles Venus in Taurus ~ Securing something you value and need.
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus ~ Practical steps to shore up resources, strong for uncovering ways to increase inner and outer wealth.
May 17: Mercury squares Pluto ~ Potential speed bump/stress point.
May 18: Quadruple conjunction in Taurus ~ Uranus, Venus, Sun, Jupiter  = abundance in unexpected places. Sudden new relationship connections.
May 19: Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries. Launch pad for new starts.
May 20: Sun enters Gemini ~  Express Yourself!


Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi


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