
Gemini Gemini

May 8 ~ May 22   So much is wildly up in the air. An entire stellium of planets are moving through your house of the unknown. On the one hand, it feels thrilling to be dreaming big and envisioning far more for yourself and yet at the same time, the waiting and the wondering could feel a bit nerve-racking. Worry not, Gemini, before too long there is going to be so much energy pouring onto your path ahead that you will be off to the races before you know it. Loving Venus is in Taurus and moving into a securing sextile with Saturn in Pisces on Monday, May 13, which is due to support your earning and career efforts, or any contractually binding endeavor. On Saturday, May 18, a quadruple conjunction of planets in Taurus illuminates your house of the unseen which includes Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter, suddenly unveiling a world of possibilities, international projects included, while giving you a map to refer to and exciting new horizons to energize. Uranus is exactly conjunct Venus, igniting a breakdown or breakthrough scenario, and the Sun joins Jupiter at the final degree of Taurus suggesting a last-ditch effort unearths all that you need. The Sun enters your sign on Monday, May 20, adding more solar flair to a growing bounty of earthly potential and it breeds new life in what was feeling like an uncertain path ahead. Action Mars in Aries joins the North Node (future) to throw some fuel into a growing desire, which becomes the inspiration that you need to lead you into the new. The skies are active and potentially advantageous until the end of May and into early June (more to say on that next time), especially given that generous Jupiter enters Gemini on Saturday, May 25, where he will be transiting for an entire year. With your ruler Mercury transiting through impulsive Aries until Wednesday May 15, it is suggested to mind your p’s and q’s until you are sure, sure, sure about the most beneficial way to proceed. Mercury squares Pluto on Friday, May 17, so avoid feeding thoughts that lead you south or entering power-plays that cause undue stress. Your playground, as well as your payment is coming, as long as you stay wise and remain patient, for the road from here to there has a few trip wires you will want to avoid, especially around Friday, May 17. In a few weeks’ time, things could be smooth sailing once again.

Envision today what you want your tomorrow to be, and it will provide you with a running head start!



May 7: NEW MOON in TAURUS ~ Intention-setting and wish-making day, sets the stage for the next two weeks.
May 13: Saturn in Pisces sextiles Venus in Taurus ~ Securing something you value and need.
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus ~ Practical steps to shore up resources, strong for uncovering ways to increase inner and outer wealth.
May 17: Mercury squares Pluto ~ Potential speed bump/stress point.
May 18: Quadruple conjunction in Taurus ~ Uranus, Venus, Sun, Jupiter  = abundance in unexpected places. Sudden new relationship connections.
May 18-19:  Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries ~ Launch pad for new starts.
May 20: Sun enters Gemini ~ Express Yourself!



Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi

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