
Virgo Virgo

May 8 ~ May 22  YOU are blossoming. This is your reminder not to shrink into places you’ve outgrown. The next level will require you to let people go instead of proving your worth to them. “It is time to admit that your distant love affair is with yourself, and that no one can play harder to get” (David Whyte). In essence, know your worth, and reach for more. The New Moon in fellow earth sign Taurus on Tuesday eve, May 7, showed you the power of removing any self-undermining thoughts about who are and what is possible. All it takes is a little sunshine to get your spirit flying again. This New Moon was harmonizing sweetly with Saturn in your opposite sign of Pisces, suggesting that something in your life is about to get leaps better because someone with seniority or connections has your back. This sets the stage for the next two weeks. Loving Venus is also in Taurus and makes her move with Saturn this coming Monday, May 13, and by virtue of association, it fuels you with a faith of fire that restores your belief in yourself. It keeps getting better. Your ruler Mercury enters fellow earth sign Taurus on Wednesday, May 15, providing you with additional leverage in an interplay where you once felt you had little influence. Almost as soon as you step away from a taxing situation, it takes the oxygen out of the space where you once stood, and all of a sudden, your absence is noticed and sorely missed. Hold that line. On Thursday, May 18, a quadruple conjunction in Taurus involving Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter, blows open an entire landscape of potential for your future footsteps. Oh, the benefits of a little breathing room, it can be priceless. You are worthy of this release. When you let go of something you thought you had to have, and trust in the open spaces where far more can enter, you will come to know how much better life can b. Stay open for a potentially prosperous encounter on Thursday, May 23 when Jupiter and Venus conjunct at the final degree of Taurus.

Mold this month of May into your making, one deep and conscious breath at a time!



May 7: NEW MOON in TAURUS ~ Intention-setting and wish-making day, sets the stage for the next two weeks.
May 13: Saturn in Pisces sextiles Venus in Taurus ~ Securing something you value and need.
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus ~ Practical steps to shore up resources, strong for uncovering ways to increase inner and outer wealth.
May 17: Mercury squares Pluto ~ Potential speed bump/stress point.
May 18: Quadruple conjunction in Taurus ~ Uranus, Venus, Sun, Jupiter  = abundance in unexpected places. Sudden new relationship connections.
May 18-19:  Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries ~ Launch pad for new starts.
May 20: Sun enters Gemini ~ Express Yourself!



Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi

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