
Capricorn Capricorn

May 8 ~ May 22  An abundance of earth is here, hallelujah! April may have been a roller coaster, but May is promising to be a different story. A New Moon in fellow earth sign Taurus late in the west on Tuesday, May 7, could not have been more divinely supported by your ruler Saturn in Pisces. There is nothing like the feeling of Saturn showing up to secure something you want. It’s like someone signing an energetic blank check and saying go for it, Cappy. It really comes down to what you value in terms of how you utilize this energy. There is a swarm of planets in Taurus and they are positioning themselves to help you polish something til it shines. Even Venus is testing the waters, as she transits through Taurus and finds Saturn on Monday, May 13 with ease to recruit the best possible energetic backing to help you seal a deal. Your convincing powers will be ridiculous. Your creative projects are also lining up nicely and a long-held dream may also be finally coming to fruition. Mercury may lead you down some roads where conversations get bumpy until he enters Taurus on Wednesday, May 15, but whatever gets thrown at you, you will have the upper hand. Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto on Friday, May 17, energizing that ‘do I have the resources to make this thing fly feeling’, and then Saturday comes and with it a quadruple conjunction of planets in Taurus that include, Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter. This is sure to blow any doubt out of the water just as fast as it entered. Jupiter and Venus meet at the final (29th) degree of Taurus on Thursday, May 23, and it has you wrapping your passions with a giant bow. Extend your reach now with Saturn so strategically aligned in Pisces, knowing you have one foot in the heavens and one foot on Earth. Saturn in Pisces really does become the magic bridge that allows anything to happen, which means you are the bridge to a better world. You are the bridge to higher love. You are the bridge that brings it all together.

Anything energized that is timeless will prove to be priceless. The rest is gravy!



May 7: NEW MOON in TAURUS ~ Intention-setting and wish-making day, sets the stage for the next two weeks.
May 13: Saturn in Pisces sextiles Venus in Taurus ~ Securing something you value and need.
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus ~ Practical steps to shore up resources, strong for uncovering ways to increase inner and outer wealth.
May 17: Mercury squares Pluto ~ Potential speed bump/stress point.
May 18: Quadruple conjunction in Taurus ~ Uranus, Venus, Sun, Jupiter  = abundance in unexpected places. Sudden new relationships connections.
May 18-19:  Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries ~ Launch pad for new starts.
May 20: Sun enters Gemini ~ Express Yourself!



Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi