
Pisces Pisces

May 8 ~ May 22   Ever since Saturn entered your sign in March of last year, life has been getting real. Time has been racing by with it, and never have you felt so drawn to milk the moments for all they are worth. Leave it to Saturn to bring you back to Earth. It has and it’s a good thing. Saturn can, at times, also feel like a test or a block that you are supposed to clear. You are learning that there are many ways to move through these trials successfully, it just takes recognizing how to gain entry into the center of what needs to be unraveled and released. What you really want is to be free of those things that are keeping you from rising to your starry potential. “The doors to the world of the wild Self, are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door” (Clarissa Pinkola Estes). It starts with desire. Mars spent the entirety of April in your sign, getting you in close touch with what your Soul wants most at this time. You also know that some blocks in the form of an old mental reel need to be removed, so you can rise with the tides. The New Moon in Taurus late in the west on Tuesday, May 7, was forming an invisible bridge to Saturn in your sign, suggesting a door is now swinging open, and revealing the way to rewire your mind. Loving Venus in Taurus is also positioning herself exceptionally well with Saturn, on Monday, May 13, which is due to unveil the strength and the influence of your presence. You find your center of gravity and move from that place, and it has others attracted to what you offer and energetically represent. The foundation is laid. Next step, Saturn becomes the bridge between where you stood and how high you rise. Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday, May 15, and then squares Pluto on Friday, May 17, testing your regained confidence, but you snap back by Saturday, May 18, when a quadruple earth conjunction in Taurus involving Uranus, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter whisper in your ear to remind you of your superpowers. Focus forward, envision elevation and free the gravity. Jupiter and Venus spend their last day in Taurus on Thursday, May 23, coming up with an assortment of ideas to celebrate you.

Lap up the love!



May 7: NEW MOON in TAURUS ~ Intention-setting and wish-making day, sets the stage for the next two weeks.
May 13: Saturn in Pisces sextiles Venus in Taurus ~ Securing something you value and need.
May 15: Mercury enters Taurus ~ Practical steps to shore up resources, strong for uncovering ways to increase inner and outer wealth.
May 17: Mercury squares Pluto ~ Potential speed bump/stress point.
May 18: Quadruple conjunction in Taurus ~ Uranus, Venus, Sun, Jupiter  = abundance in unexpected places. Sudden new relationships connections.
May 18-19:  Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries ~ Launch pad for new starts.
May 20: Sun enters Gemini ~ Express Yourself!



Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray. ~Rumi

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