
Aquarius Aquarius


January 15 ~ January 29

Pluto’s permanent entry into Aquarius may already feel to be rocking our world but your ruler Uranus is a game-changer for making things fly with stunning speed and electric delight. No doubt, there is an extreme mix of energy, but with Uranus’ ability to help us cut through things quickly, and see life from a difference perspective, we will be grateful for this influence. It’s more than OK to cruise between now and Sunday, Jan. 19 with Venus in Pisces closing in on Saturn as she prepares to initiate a new chapter conjunction. We are all waiting for something to happen, so it does not make much sense to try and change a tide that cannot be turned. At least, not quite yet. Mercury in Capricorn provides some invisible leverage to your long-term plan and is feeding you information without you being aware of it. Mars retrograde in Cancer is receiving a welcomed boost from Uranus in Taurus, energizing a sudden wave of unexpected support from others that you did not see coming. Stay receptive so you can retrieve it in full. Mercury in Capricorn moves on to oppose Mars in Cancer on Thursday, Jan. 23, which could have your emotions all over the place but those turbulent feeling seas are quickly calmed as Mercury throws down an anchor of outreach to Venus, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node in Pisces to grant you with a higher frequency to float on. The shift of the transiting Nodes to Virgo and Pisces on Saturday, Jan. 11, is already having the effect of simplifying our lives and streamlining our focus toward those things that can make a difference in the world around us. Coming together in community and combining efforts to clean up this planet and raise the vibration of consciousness, this is what we will care most about at the end of our time here on this planet. Mars in Cancer’s effortlessly trines loving Venus in Pisces on Saturday, Jan. 25, allowing those subtle adjustments that improve your health, starting with better sleep. This beneficial Mars/Venus blend may also have you partnering with others to support a crisis or a cause. It’s about knowing you made a dent of a difference because of your efforts, and because you are here. A little really does go a long way. You give your all and the Universe will back you triple. Join forces with others and there is no limit to what you can do together!

Compassion softens your steps and opens doors, one after the other!


Be the Light this World Needs!

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