Aries Aries
March 26 ~ April 9
At the heart of every action is an intention, pure and simple. Even with most of your actions being purely instinctual, there is always a Soul intention within it, which is driven by your desire for freedom and your passion to experience all that life can offer. As an Aries, you tend to only focus on the road ahead, but you’ve just come through a deeply reflective dive with your ruler Mars being retrograde to close 2024 and in the first two months of 2025. Mars finally stationed direct again in Cancer on Feb. 23, but it has taken some time to get your wheels rolling again. Even with Mars now direct, and moving at a much faster clip in Cancer, you have been pulled into your past to re-think and re-evaluate all the choices you have made that have led you to this moment in time. In part, this is also a result of coming through a Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo that was conjunct the South Node (past) on March 14, which has had you coming full circle on the emotional wheel. We are still in the portal between eclipses with Venus and Mercury retrograde in your sign to boot ~ that’s a lot of back and forth. Venus returns to Pisces on Thursday, March 27, and Mercury follows her there on Saturday, March 29, the same day as a Solar Eclipse in Aries. Even though this is a partial eclipse, it’s still a very BIG New Moon, adding to it that it’s also a Super Moon, which means the Moon is closest to Earth in its orbit. It will appear bigger in the sky but it will also energetically feel bigger in your life. This is about new beginnings in your world, Aries. It’s a launch point, even if that launch initiates in your dreams. As one door closes a bigger door is now destined to open. The day following Neptune, the ruler for Pisces, enters Aries as well, a place it has not ventured since 1861. In all my years, I have never seen so much water and fire represented at the same time. You are straddling a past that can feel to be dissolving in ways, and yet you also feel ready to swan dive into your future. What role will you play? Neptune, as the ruler for Pisces, can shower you with imaginings of endless possibility, which has a way of getting you in touch with your hidden potential. I cannot think of anything that would inspire an Aries Soul more than hearing these words, can you? This is a time to feel into this truth more deeply. Prepare to harness the energy that can be used to manifest more for yourself. On and around Saturday, April 5, your ruler Mars in Cancer forms a compelling trine to a sea of planets in Pisces that include: Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and the North Node (future), while also favorably sextiling Uranus in Taurus. Be courageous, especially if it requires more tender vulnerability to deepen a connection. Overall, there is no telling what will fly in from the ethers as a result of this stellar alignment.
Be so deep in alignment with your intention that your dream starts chasing you. ~The Universe
March 27: Venus revisits Pisces
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries (9 degrees)
March 29: Mercury revisits Pisces
March 30: Neptune enters Aries
April 7: Mercury stations Direct in Pisces
April 12: Super Full Moon in Libra
April 12: Venus stations Direct in Pisces
April 16: Mercury reenters Aries
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The Seed of New Potential!