
Aries Aries


February 12 ~ February 26

Your ruler Mars is slowing down in the tender-feeling sign of Cancer, and preparing to station direct on Sunday, Feb. 23.  It’s been a bit of a slog, but you are making your way rain or shine, because that’s you, Aries. Mars in water sign Cancer is teaching you how every emotion you are feeling influences your thoughts and body, and it all flows and goes from there. It has been an exercise in cooling your jets and tuning in while feeling e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Consider this as part of your Soul boot camp for the goals in life that you have set for yourself. Everything you harbor and hold, along with everything you energize for good has a ripple effect, so pay close attention to whatever emotion appears to be winning in any given moment. Stare it down if you must, and then send it up-stream or down-river, depending on whether you want to feel it again or never taste it twice.  In essence, move it, give it freedom. You have an opportunity in the next two weeks to test this and try it on for size. Focus on energizing the emotion of pure love, treat your inner home with reverence, like a holy place to return to, and see how this energy impacts your immediate reality. It may feel like an easier task than usual as loving Venus just entered Aries on Feb. 4, gifting you with the ability to attract more of what you need with greater ease. Whatever you feed, the greater it grows, and with Mars still retro in Cancer, keep your consciousness attuned with how your emotions are influencing the moment and the minutes that follow. Challenge yourself to evolve through the insecurities, and step strong within your center, celebrating the gifts that make you YOU. It takes a rare form of courage to open a deeper door into your inner emotional sanctuary. Even more courage to invite others to join you there. Venus extends her stay in Aries due to her own retrograde approaching on March 1 ~ April 12. Venus backs out of Aries and into Pisces on March 27, and then re-enters your sign again, Aries, on April 30. It looks like May is made for you. In the meantime, when you explore those vulnerable places and show others a softer side, your total appeal will triple. Mercury enters dreamy Pisces just in time for Valentine’s Day, Friday, Feb. 14, and then forms a securing trine to your ruler Mars in Cancer the very day that Mars stations direct on Sunday, Feb. 23. Given that Mercury rules the transiting South Node in Virgo, this reflects an opportunity to put a bow on the past and kiss it goodbye, bid it adieu with love. Between now and then, visualize how you can bring something full circle and heal it for good. Your fresh start awaits on the other side.

Start writing the script!


Photo: Chris Osmond