
Aries Aries


January 15 ~ January 29

Talk about a tidal shift. No doubt you deeply felt it when the transiting North Node exited Aries and entered Pisces on Saturday, Jan.11. not to mention your ruler Mars merging with the Full Moon in Cancer two days following. You may feel to be losing your emotional footing and yet you also know full-well the need to surrender into all that is occurring within and around you. Until we reach the other side of Sunday, Jan. 19, you will want to quietly curl up within yourself or crawl under the closest covers you can find. We are only two weeks in and 2025 has us all feeling a bit breathless already. With your ruler Mars retrograde in Cancer, it can be triggering deep feelings of vulnerability with a longing to feel embraced, warm and well-fed. Whenever these emotions have peaked in the past, there have been go-to’s that worked to comfort you but over time you may have let them go by the way side; it’s time they return; you will be reaching for them now. You’ve lived life in a perpetual state of motion, going after what you want while also being energized by the chase. This is how you are wired and what you do best. But with Mars now inverted, you are learning, once again, that only on the inner highway can desirable Soul ground be covered. It is also only along the inner quest where the peace you seek is found. Relationship planet Venus is moving behind the scenes while on her way to merging with Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, Jan. 19, and will supportively sextile Mercury in Capricorn as she swims in front of Saturn to form a new phase conjunction. Saturn rules Capricorn, suggesting you will be gaining new information or having conversations that will speak to how your next chapter is set to unfold. The key words are responsibly and with patience. On the same day, Mars retrograde in Cancer plugs into Uranus in Taurus, sending a surge of enlightening awareness into your energetic field. You will be shown how you can move forward in a surprising new way, yet with a gifted alternative perspective that is free from the old emotional tendencies. It may take a radical new look at life and an openness to change how you live within on a moment-to-moment basis. Are you ready to evolve? If you are, the Universe is ready for you too. Venus in Pisces progressively moves into a trine to Mars retrograde in Cancer as soon as Thursday, Jan. 23, and into the following weekend to bring you back into a state of feeling balance. Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars at that same juncture but is also seamlessly aligned with Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the transiting Lunar Nodes until the end of the month, to support a greater ease of integration and understanding as to where your steps will lead. Rest for now, but get ready for some serious inner action.

You will find that it becomes the most celebrated speed there can be!


Be the Light this World Needs!