
Gemini Gemini

July 17 ~ July 31

Life is getting real, as the Moon grows Full in Capricorn and will complete itself early on Sunday, July 21, yet there are channels for release and for a heightened view as two outer planets step in to offer a radical, yet potentially fitting result to the growing tension. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” (Viktor E. Frankl). Action Mars enters your sign the night before the Full Moon in Capricorn, and will trine Pluto in fellow air sign Aquarius as we pull into early next week. What stunning fuel to have on the heels of such a bold ans serious Full Moon, so much so, it could have you wondering who really is in charge. For sure it will feel otherworldly in ways, as if some kind of sky God is directing the show, for better or for worse. With Mars forming a driving trine to Pluto this weekend and into early next week, you can harness your Soul desires like never before and make something momentous happen. Your ruler Mercury in Leo is also squaring Uranus during the Full Moon, which can catch you by surprise and send something you were driving in an alternative direction. Old keys do not work on new doors so remember this when seeking the best possible solution for an awkward intersection. The more outside the box you take something, the better it will tend to go. Loving Venus in Leo is walking hand-in hand with Jupiter in Gemini, which sends more love and sunshine into your exchanges with others, so let the light do the talking and all will turn out better than expected. Mercury exits Leo and enters Virgo on Thursday, July 25, which could generate a speed bump or two, and a need to potentially walk something back, due to an approaching Mercury retrograde that will initiate on Monday, Aug. 5. At times you have to throw something out there to see if it sticks, or try something new to see how it feels. You will be shown what to do away with and what to work toward. With Venus in amorous until early August, she will be letting you know full well what to keep and what to toss, where to go and where to stay.

Let her lead the way!



July 20: Mars enters Gemini: 1:42 pm PT (until September 4) ~ Very active time, social buzz, multiple projects, more air thus more movement.
July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn (29th degree) 3:16 am PT ~ Chapters closing and a new one is emerging. Liberating release of the old.
July 22: Sun enters Leo: 00:44 am PT  ~ More amorous moments and creative bursts.
July 25: Mercury enters Virgo: 3:41 pm  ~ Small details make a BIG difference.


The Deeper you go, the Lighter you become. 
~The Universe

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