Leo Leo
January 15 ~ January 29
Now that Mars has backed into Cancer in your house of the invisible realms, it has you feeling through all of life’s inevitables. Your instinct is leading you to venture into those waters with the hope of finding more peace as you seek to answer some of those bigger burning questions. The inner travels can induce a natural feeling of fear when you are in touch with all that you cannot control on this Earth plane. Venus is in Pisces and approaching Saturn where they will merge to form a new chapter conjunction on Sunday, Jan. 19. Between now and then, you may be feeling into your own Soul journey with greater depth and inner questioning. Why are we here? What happens when we die? Where do we go when we do? Why, why, why? You feel comforted finally when you arrive at a feeling of acceptance on the other side of Sunday, as Venus moves in front of Saturn while harmonizing with Mercury in Capricorn. It’s a bit like spending time in meditation day after day, asking the same questions over and over, and finally a feeling comes over you that is experienced as a response to your repeated quandaries, that feeling is a quiet peace that can only come when the Soul surrenders. It is then when you can feel held like no other. On the same day, Mars in Cancer unites with Uranus in Taurus to remove a perceived block that has the entire sky opening up. It would be similar to searching the sky to view the outer planets with your naked eye and never being able to locate them, and then all of a sudden you are handed a telescope. The difference is like night and day. Something or someone is going to help you ‘see’. Mercury moves on to oppose Mars in Cancer on Thursday, Jan. 23, which puts a highly charged hurdle on your path, but thankfully, Mercury is also supremely well-positioned to Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces, allowing you to access the silver lining up until Monday, Jan. 27. It’s like watching a loved-one suffer and then witnessing them silently leave their aging form. You lose your breath at the loss but their release is a relief. These trends are showing us the value and worth of what it means to live with every fiber of our being. How are you spending your time and using your resources? Events can radically alter this now, for the better. Something is bringing out the better angels of your nature. And nothing feels better than to know a life has been healed or a suffering spared because of you.
Reach for the eternal circuit now, and your highest self will emerge to manifest a more enlightened path that illuminates your Soul’s untapped potential.
Be the Light This World Needs!