
Leo Leo

July 17 ~ July 31

You are the Sun. Oh my, the good fortune to be blessed with this ball of fire as your planetary ruler. How does it feel to be the LIGHT in someone’s life? This feeling is sure to grow, and soon, with the coming Full Moon in Capricorn at the final degree early Sunday, July 21. Why? Because on this day, loving Venus is in your sign and receiving the great blessing of generous Jupiter to enhance all that holds meaning and value to you, starting with more love in your midst. The Full Moon in Capricorn is also receiving a rocket blast of energy from Uranus in Taurus which can literally jettison anything that has been getting in the way of your joy and your growth. Mercury is in Leo as well and will peak in a square to Uranus on Sunday, however you are likely already feeling an erratic, uncertain, sky that may be increasing the speed of your thoughts as well as your nervous system. It may be causing you to anticipate an unexpected jolt in one way or another, but with Uranus also forming an electric trine to the Full Moon, it could be just the emotional surprise you need. The Sun enters your sign to feed you with double the fire on Monday, July 22, and by Thursday, July 25, you are back to work on something or rolling up your sleeves to pave a path that grants you more experience that is well- earned as Mercury enters Virgo. Mercury is already on the slow-down to prepare for an upcoming retrograde that starts on Monday, Aug. 5 (until Aug. 28) and will re-enter Leo mid-August to have less work and more play filling your days.

You are reminded, again, what you have taught us all before, “Love is the only answer to every question. It is the only thing that will serve you in every situation. It is the route and the destination” (Rasheed Ogunlaru).



July 20: Mars enters Gemini: 1:42 pm PT (until September 4) ~ Very active time, social buzz, multiple projects, more air thus more movement.
July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn (29th degree) 3:16 am PT ~ Chapters closing and a new one is emerging. Liberating release of the old.
July 22: Sun enters Leo: 00:44 am PT  ~ More amorous moments and creative bursts.
July 25: Mercury enters Virgo: 3:41 pm  ~ Small details make a BIG difference.


The Deeper you go, the Lighter you become. 
~The Universe

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