Libra Libra
January 15 ~ January 29
You are waiting on something, something that brings about a healing or a better feeling. You are also wondering how it will all go, but you know you must be patient and take this slow. Your ruler Venus in Pisces is moving toward Saturn where they will combine to form a new chapter conjunction on Sunday, Jan. 19. Even then, you will be waiting, but at least you will have a better understanding and a conscious plan. That same day, Mercury in Capricorn, is in ideal alignment with Venus and Saturn, which is like receiving a letter that says you’ve been chosen but you still have to wait before you can get started. Action Mars is retrograde in Cancer up at the top of your chart, suggesting there is something causing a slow down or a re-direct within your career realm. Mars will receive a power surge of welcome electricity on Sunday as well with the help of Uranus in your house of the Soul. It can feel like a floodlight landing on your path with a single blast. This could suddenly open up new avenues that involve how you contribute to a better world. Mercury moves on to oppose Mars in Cancer on Thursday, Jan. 23, which can stir the emotional pot at home and have irritability dictating the way the day goes. It won’t take much to push your most sensitive buttons, and you could be feeling thrown back on yourself emotionally, and even a sense of being alone no matter your proximity to others. But Mercury is also showing you another option with an alternative path that screams ‘high road over here’, as it forms a supportive sextile to Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces until Monday, Jan. 27. This helps you find peace in the moment, peace in simple spaces, and peace in letting go. An optimal arrangement you had not even considered appears out of nowhere when you not only become loose on all levels but when you experience yourself letting go all-together. Mars and Venus form a heavenly water trine on Saturday, Jan. 25, encouraging you to let pure emotion lead the way.
A heart-buzz is coming.
Be the Light this World Needs!