
Sagittarius Sagittarius


January 15 ~ January 29

True evolution is an emotional undertaking, you cannot move an inch without the involvement of your feeling reality, and everything is lining up to immerse you in those waters. Don’t fight it, merge with it, and become one with the sea. Both Neptune and Saturn have been transiting through Pisces for many moons, but with the transiting North Node’s recent entry into Pisces on Saturday, Jan. 11, where it will be for the next eighteen months, and now Venus also in Pisces as she approaches Saturn, feelings of vulnerability do come with the turf. There will be days when dry land and firm footing may look and feel to be miles away. Where does your inner strength come from? The hope of Pisces is calling you into those eternal spaces where unconditional love and timeless support can be readily accessed. Start there, always there. The recent Full Moon on Monday Jan. 13, opened your Soul all the way up, while also offering a lens of objectivity with Uranus’ involvement and balancing vantage point. It is also always more beneficial to move with the energetic tides versus against so you can be in natural alignment with where those Soul waters lead. It will save you both energy and time. Venus closes in on Saturn, forming a new chapter conjunction on Sunday, Jan. 19, while Mercury in Capricorn’s supportive link to this pairing offers you a place to land. It can feel like finally docking your boat after months at sea.  Mars retrograde in Cancer’s connection with Uranus in Taurus has you brainstorming your way into a solution that quickly resolves feelings of being powerless in any given situation. The skies are truly loaded, and optimally so in places. Mercury in Capricorn moves on to oppose Mars in Cancer on Thursday Jan. 23, which may have you rerouting your work due to priorities calling you home. Tending to the ones you love as well as nurturing those waters of evolution will be your front-line focus for some time, so get used to feeling naked and warm yourself by the Divine fire within. Mercury partners beautifully with Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the North Node in Pisces up until Monday, Jan. 27, to have you bringing maximum meaning into every moment. Time is precious. Venus in Pisces harmonizes with Mars in Cancer on Saturday, Jan. 25, energizing sweet and deeply timeless connections that make you ever so aware of how far you have traveled with others.

Healing rivers are flowing, so step in and let yourself go ~ the less you are ‘wearing’ the better it will feel.


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