
Sagittarius Sagittarius

July 17~ July 31

There is a Full Moon rising early on Sunday, July 21. The Moon will be in its full glory at the 29th degree of Capricorn while conjunct Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius, and while typically a Full Moon in Capricorn would feel heavily weighted, this one is different, far different. It is intense, no doubt, but with innovative Uranus in Taurus forming a spectacular trine to this round ball of wild potential, there is no telling how far you could take this. What an opportunity to rid yourself of the unwanted, and de-condition like there is no tomorrow. Uranus can literally become like a jackhammer tearing through anything that has become crystallized in your life. It can also totally change your perspective or deliver the Zen blow that you need at just the right time. Mercury is in fellow fire sign Leo but will be squaring Uranus this same day, which is equivalent to a messenger delivering some unexpected news. Fortunately, your ruler Jupiter is in Gemini and coupling joyfully with Venus in fellow fire sign Leo to either offset something inconvenient or the welcome arrival of someone to iron out a kink. There really is so much up in the air which can naturally cause some angst on planet Earth. But there are brilliant solutions now to age-old problems. It is a challenge not to talk about the pink elephant in the room, and this week not talking about something will be impossible, so welcome the opportunity reveal what is blatant and true. You benefit boldly when you bravely express what lives within your depths, as action Mars enters Gemini the night before the Full Moon and trines Pluto, the planet of metamorphoses, the more direct you are, the better. Mars is now giving you the courage to confront what you haven’t and to take it on with charm, an element of humor, and with a sole desire to evolve. Mercury exits Leo and enters Virgo up in your career sector on Thursday, July 25, and will be slowing down as well for a retrograde tour that initiates on Monday, Aug. 5. This brings your attention to the projects you have in mind that can contribute to an ambitious ascent. Prepare for an evolving life purpose to be just the kindling that you need to keep the inner candle burning.

It starts with a blast of genius or a sudden download, and then follows with one deliberate step at time!



July 20: Mars enters Gemini: 1:42 pm PT (until September 4) ~ Very active time, social buzz, multiple projects, more air thus more movement.
July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn (29th degree) 3:16 am PT ~ Chapters closing and a new one is emerging. Liberating release of the old.
July 22: Sun enters Leo: 00:44 am PT  ~ More amorous moments and creative bursts.
July 25: Mercury enters Virgo: 3:41 pm  ~ Small details make a BIG difference.


The Deeper you go, the Lighter you become. 
~The Universe

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