
Scorpio Scorpio

July 17~ July 31

These are metamorphic times, and while we have been living through them for months and still yet to live through many more, there is a Full Moon forming at the last degree of Capricorn early on Sunday, July 21, that will be conjunct your ruler Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius, energizing the closure of old and the rebirth of something new. Pluto tends to send the Soul into deeper waters where the underworld becomes known and respected for the power it holds, but even greater is the power you feel once you have risen from the depths. How many times have you experienced this in this life alone? The Full Moon in Capricorn is also wired with energetic speed and favor, as Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus is trining the Full Moon, to provide you with a gale force wind at your back that has you flying like an eagle. Loving Venus in Leo is up at the top of your chart as well and recruiting Jupiter to increase your wingspan so you can experience a greater lift and faster speed for targeting your bottom line . A palpable shift will occur as soon as action Mars enters Gemini the night before the Full Moon and immediately forms a power trine to your ruler Pluto in Aquarius, giving you an added advantage as we pull into next week. It may be a clever entry or a message that suddenly has you getting through to people but this one shift could generate the opening you have been seeking. Mercury in Leo squares Uranus at the Full Moon as well, and while nothing should surprise you anymore, something surely will. However, with so much galactic sway, you will be directing your wings with brave conviction. Mercury enters compatible Virgo on Thursday, July 25, where it will be for two months due to a retrograde that begins on Monday, Aug. 5, which may involve changing your approach, and it has an immediate ripple effect. The energy is massive now for breakthroughs in your relationships and in reaching an audience with your message, your mantra, or an invention.

If you plug into the forces on high, what a trip it may prove to be!



July 20: Mars enters Gemini: 1:42 pm PT (until September 4) ~ Very active time, social buzz, multiple projects, more air thus more movement.
July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn (29th degree) 3:16 am PT ~ Chapters closing and a new one is emerging. Liberating release of the old.
July 22: Sun enters Leo: 00:44 am PT  ~ More amorous moments and creative bursts.
July 25: Mercury enters Virgo: 3:41 pm  ~ Small details make a BIG difference.


The Deeper you go, the Lighter you become. 
~The Universe


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