
Scorpio Scorpio

October 9 ~ October 23

Dear Scorpio,

Find your personal message within the Universal Starcast below.

Keep shining,

Kristin 💫



Expanding the Skies of Your True Potential
Jupiter Stations Retrograde!


It all starts within: a dream, a wish, an idea, or a hope. When we desire something deeply, we hold these visions close, never loosely, while feeding them with pure energy, love, and attention.

Jupiter is inviting you to work with these free-floating images by weaving their energy into the fold of your living breathing reality, with the intention of extending the reach of your true potential.

Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9 ~ February 4, 2025.
Jupiter’s 4-month retreat will have a way of raising your personal antennae
so you may RECEIVE the messages meant for you.

RETREAT ~  The sound of this word may generate different emotional responses.

The word RETREAT for me  = Refuge, Sanctuary, Haven. Others may experience the word  retreat = escape or hideaway.

But breaking this word down RE- TREAT, is about treating yourself once again with the space to ponder, think, heal, and grow. It is in these very spaces where your Soul has an opportunity to safely



With Jupiter in Gemini, it will manifest as signs that show up in written or spoken form, experienced as literal signposts and billboards, or exchanges with total strangers that ignite something within your Soul that you never thought of before, and yet this feeling is so familiar that you wonder why it has taken until now for these truths to arrive.

Timing is everything.

Jupiter rules the right brain, your intuitive self, and Gemini as the ruler for Mercury, rules the left brain, your analytical self. With Jupiter retrograding in Gemini, your analytical mind surrenders to the power of your INTUITION. Brilliant, eh? Jupiter’s influence can feel to magically emerge like a map materializing out of thin air.

Where there had previously been three possible roads to travel that once looked appealing, they will be narrowed down to the obvious one, your most natural path.

This Jupiter transit will also create an awareness of anything that needs to be adjusted in order to self-improve, while expanding your consciousness in a way that allows you to see truths so glaring you cannot believe you ever saw past them.

A strikingly clear example of how Jupiter retrograde can manifest came to me when a client of mine shared a journal passage written by her 6 year old son. He was born with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini.

The young boy wrote, “I love God, I hate church.”  His Soul was in close vibrational touch with the pure energy of Spirit but the walls and the rules of the place where his family worshiped had him giving the place a stiff-arm as he rebelled against the energy within the establishment.

Those 6 words written by her son changed the mother’s spiritual journey forever. Children are incredible teachers.

This is an example of signs that will be posted along the way to make your Soul stop in its tracks, to question your beliefs or to reveal greater truths, so pay attention to messages filtering through in all forms.

NOTE: Every planet has a light and a shadow side.  As an archetype, Jupiter expands everything it touches, and is the planet of exaggeration. While this is a wonderful thing when it involves something we desire and enjoy, it can also be experienced as quite the opposite. As inhabitants of Earth,  we are not all on the same page as it relates to our beliefs. And with so much anger and division, we witness this in the form of storms, war, and politics. This is also Jupiter in Gemini  ~ the great divide in beliefs.

However, there are also NATURAL Souls in the world who’s instinct is to give, share and include, Souls like Tracy in Picayune, MS who just posted this for those needing a safe haven during the storm. God Bless Her.

We have 40 acres in Picayune, MS where you, your horses, farm animals, and pets can ride out the storm. We are about 9 hours from Tampa. Tents and RVs welcome. 

Mars represents the fire in your belly and the heat within your feet that makes you move. Below you will find insights looking at the transit of Mars in Cancer, along with Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, and how they are influencing your personal journey.


SCORPIO People can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves. Mars is moving through fellow water sign Cancer, and while this is a compatible sign with Scorpio, it can also reveal where emotional awareness is lacking or someone’s inability to reach you in the way you need to be reached. However, it does provide a waterway for deeper connection when there is a desire to grow acted upon by you or another. Mars in Cancer is still forming a harmonizing trine to Venus in Scorpio, as this newsletter is released, so follow-through where your Soul is feeling drawn to, and those bonds can only strengthen.

Jupiter’s retrograde pass through Gemini for the next four-months is going to have a way of deepening your walk even further as it spends additional time in your house of the Soul, and the house of empowerment. In part, this will require you to shed some skins and eliminate those things that are not contributing to your larger future. Jupiter’s presence here will make things (painfully) obvious. While of itself it will not cause pain, it just becomes clear what must stay and what must go.

The right people for your Soul hear you differently, show up differently, support you differently, and nourish you differently. That’s how you’ll know. @successfulfemalemindset



Each day has a moment of eternity waiting for you.
~ William Blake


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