Taurus Taurus
February 26 ~ March 12
When the inner spark fades, sit with the flame. The yogi in you knows how this is done. Even though Mars is moving direct again in Cancer as of Sunday, Feb. 23, his retro tour had you processing long and hard about a diversity of emotions linked with memories from long ago. Mars has his wheels again, and is slowly but surely making his way forward. You have learned once again that there are no short cuts in life. We have to feel it all, and own what is ours, before we are able to evolve. With Mars in support of your sign, it gave you the courage to dig in and excavate the old, and now that Mars is moving forward you can move forward too with less strapped to your Soul. However, just as Mars moves direct, your ruler Venus reverses direction in Aries on Saturday, March 1, in your house of healing, allowing you to burn off any emotional residue. If you have felt wronged, dissed, or not valued in some way, “You know who’s going to keep everyone accountable? The Universe. It holds all of the karmic receipts” (Vex King). Remember, that God is keeping score on the good stuff too, so sit with the flame to rekindle the love within you, and let the fire burn away the bad. Mercury spends a few more days in compatible Pisces and joins Venus in Aries on Monday, May 3 while also on the slow-down as he prepares for his first retrograde cycle of the year on March 14. Both Venus and Mercury will be traveling close together in Aries for most of March, so given they are soon to both be retro, let Mercury send you messages for your next steps. All that you need to know will be communicated to you through your instinct, given that both Venus and Mercury are transiting through Aries. Meditation and journaling are beneficial constants. With still such a still a swirl of retrograde activity in the ethers and Mars in Cancer not clearing his shadow from retrograde until May 2, give yourself time to feel into the new beginnings that you wish to bring about, whether it’s a change in how you direct your life purpose, or new adventures you feel ready to experience. It’s a slow burn now, Taurus, just how you like it. Both Mercury and Venus will back into Pisces at the end of March and throughout April, providing some healing validation but things heat up in April, and it’s loaded with events you are sure to marvel at, starting with your own liberating lift. A New Moon in Pisces on Thursday, Feb. 27, will enlighten you to say the least. It requires an open mind, an ability to think outside the box, and a readiness to say “yes” if asked. Let yourself explore the unusual and anything outside your comfort zone.
“As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others” (Nelson Mandela).
Feb. 23: Mars stations Direct in Cancer (17 degrees)
Feb. 27: New Moon in Pisces (9 Degrees)
March 1: Venus Stations Retrograde in Aries (10 degrees)
March 3: Mercury enters Aries
March 13/14: Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (23 degrees)
March 14: Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries (9 degrees)
March 27: Venus backs into Pisces
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries (9 degrees)
March 30: Mercury backs into Pisces
March 30: Neptune in Aries
Rekindling Love ~ It’s in Your Hands!
Photo Credit: Elias Maurer