
Taurus Taurus

July 17 ~ July 31

It’s a value-driven, meaning enhancing, and (potentially) money-making period of time. Does this sound like music to your ears? A Full Moon in fellow earth sign Capricorn early on Sunday, July 21, is receiving a laser-like trine from Uranus in your sign. This alone could be life-changing, emotionally and otherwise. It could lead to an emotional release that is so personally vibration-altering that it could immediately transform how and what you attract. This pairing may also energize the equivalent of someone showing up at your front door who you have not seen in years, and it has your your heart jumping out of your chest. Unexpected communications may surface in just about every direction from Sunday moving forward, as Mercury in Leo is also squaring Uranus at the Full Moon, surprises are on high alert, but more likely the invited kind. Action Mars leaves your sign and enters Gemini the eve before the Full Moon and will be optimally trining Pluto in Aquarius during this lunar event of meaningful significance, and it is due to lead you further onto the stage of life. Your career is spotlighted now and the way that you bring yourself out into the world. Your ruler, Venus, is also ideally aligned with generous Jupiter on the Full Moon, further supporting more abundance as a result of your creative drive and your inherent gifts. Expressive Mercury will enter compatible earth sign Virgo on Thursday, July 25, to help you fine tune some details to your master plan and have you standing out as a result, similar to editing a manuscript or cleaning up the choreography for an upcoming show. You will have plenty of time to refine your design and make it better than it was before, as Mercury is also already slowing down to prepare for a retrograde that begins Monday, Aug. 5. When all is done, it will be something you will be immensely proud to put your name on.

A themes of rapid recognition is in the air!



July 20: Mars enters Gemini: 1:42 pm PT (until September 4) ~ Very active time, social buzz, multiple projects, more air thus more movement.
July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn (29th degree) 3:16 am PT ~ Chapters closing and a new one is emerging. Liberating release of the old.
July 22: Sun enters Leo: 00:44 am PT  ~ More amorous moments and creative bursts.
July 25: Mercury enters Virgo: 3:41 pm  ~ Small details make a BIG difference.


The Deeper you go, the Lighter you become. 
~The Universe

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