
Virgo Virgo


March 26 ~ April 9

You can already feel a hint of where you are headed, but being the humble Virgo that you are, it is accompanied by some inner questioning. Can you trust what you are sensing? There is hesitation in your voice. You can even feel yourself holding your breath when you allow yourself to imagine this vision unfolding. A Solar Eclipse in Aries in your house of the Soul on Saturday, March 29, is bound to bust down a few doors that can lead you closer to your dream. You’ve been paying your dues and patiently pursuing more for yourself. “I hope you’ve learned that growth isn’t loud; it’s in the quiet, steady rhythm of showing up again and again until the impossible becomes second nature” (Dipendra Tamang). You can make something seemingly impossible become second nature in the coming weeks, Virgo. Repeat after me, “Yes – I – can”, and yes you will. A radical vibrational shift is on the rise. Loving Venus and your ruler Mercury are retrograde in Aries and will both be backing into Pisces on Thursday, March 27 and Saturday, March 29 respectively. Mercury will not station direct again until Monday, April 7 and Venus not until April 12. However, there is an electric lift of energy on the horizon with action Mars in compatible Cancer forming angles of supreme precision to a stellium of planets in your opposite sign of Pisces, suggesting a breakthrough could come through someone you know, or a friend of a friend. New relationships with others who love the same things that you love is also brimming with potential. What makes this alignment so unique is the angles of ease that Uranus is making to both Mars in compatible Cancer as well as the Pisces stellium filling your house of relationships that includes: Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and the North Node (future) which has a way of suddenly opening a door to a totally new reality. Remember this as that hint of something becomes your living, breathing reality. “If you’re persistent, you’ll get it. If you’re consistent, you’ll keep it. And if you’re grateful, you’ll attract more of it” (@thirdeyethoughts).

It’s that simple!



March 27: Venus revisits Pisces

March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries (9 degrees)

March 29: Mercury revisits Pisces

March 30: Neptune enters Aries

April 7:  Mercury stations Direct in Pisces

April 12: Super Full Moon in Libra

April 12: Venus stations Direct in Pisces

April 16: Mercury reenters Aries



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The Seed of New Potential!


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